The LinkedIn Playbook

Turn your LinkedIn into a money-making machine


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.9/5 (from 2,908 downloads)

The exact profile framework I used to go from 0 to 15K+ followers, and $20K in consultancy opportunities.


This Free Playbook is designed to help you build a profile that will:

✔️Make people stop and pay attention.

✔️Attract recruiters and potential clients.

✔️Follow you & keep you on top of your mind for opportunities.

Soo Young Lee

"Incredible value and tips here. Thank you so much. You are a gem."

Josh Viner

"The headline tips are A+ Such an underrated way to get more eyes on your profile.".

Oliver Kenyon

"Absolute gold and perfect timing for me, thank you."

📓 The LinkedIn Playbook Covers:

✔️ Your Headshot
✔️ Headline
✔️ Your Professional Website
✔️ Featured Section
✔️ Your About Section
✔️ Recommendations
✔️ Building your Network


🧰 You'll get access to:

• 16 pages e-book.

• Multiple practical examples.

• A complete checklist to follow.