How to Go Viral (without getting lucky)

How to Go Viral (without getting lucky)

Apr 23, 2023


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Towards the end of August last year, I started creating content on Twitter. 

At the time I had 22 followers and my tweets were getting Zero likes on average (I was tweeting into the void).

Fast forward 39 days later, this happened:

Since then, I've gained more than 60,000,000 impressions and 29,000 followers.

Today, I will share with you the secret process that helped me create viral content consistently.

Let's dive in:


Step 1 - Identify ideas

When it comes to virality, emotion is the name of the game.

Before you start working on a piece of content, ask yourself: What emotions do you want to trigger in the reader?

  • WTF - It's driving me mad 😡
  • WOW- It's mind-blowing 🤯
  • ICR - I can relate to this 😱
  • LMAO - It's Hilarious 😂
  • AWW - It's so cute 😍
  • OHH - I get it now 😮

Pro Tip: If you position your take right, you might trigger the emotions of two different audiences at the same time (for example those who agree will relate to it, and those who don't agree will go mad).

Once you define your target emotion, you can move on to the next step.


Step 2 - Grab their attention

Grabbing your audience's attention = Mastering the hook.

But how do you craft a viral hook?

  • Start with a powerful statement
  • Quantify with numbers
  • Sell the destination

I know what you're thinking: "Isn't this clickbait?" If you deliver on your promise, it's not.

You can follow this Hook formula to grab their attention:

  • Write a Name/Topic + Powerful Statement
  • Add Numbers to support the statement
  • State the benefit for the reader


Now that you got their attention, let's raise the stakes 🃏


Step 3 - Raise the Stakes

Your second tweet after the hook, MUST:

  1. Create a curiosity gap.
  2. Raise the stakes.

If the goal of the hook is to kickstart a burning desire to read, the follow-up tweet is pouring fuel right into the fire. 

Here's an example of how I raised the stakes following a viral hook:

Raise the stakeThe result: +1.5M impressions, 2,300 Retweets & 1,400 followers.


Step 4 - Keep Them Engaged

Your writing aims to create a path for your reader to follow: Your first tweet/line should make them read the second tweet/ line and so on.

For example, if you made it here, you should know this isn't a coincidence.

Here's how to keep them engaged with your writing:

  1. Create a curiosity gap
  2. Close it FAST
  3. Then, create a new curiosity gap

Why is this important? The faster you close the curiosity gap, the smarter your reader will feel.

Feeling smart = engaged 😍


Step 5 - Drive them to Take Action

Writing is like conducting a symphony: you need a distinctive tone to close it off.

This closing tone is your call to action. But how do you make your CTA irresistible?

Here are a few tips to follow:

  1. Make the transition to your call to action as smooth as possible.
  2. Give them a logical reason to take action.
  3. Use words that provoke emotion.
  4. Use numbers when possible.
  5. Keep it simple.

That's it. If you master this formula, you can create viral content consistently.

Remember, not all your attempts are going to succeed and the goal is to highly increase your odds of beating the algorithm.


TLDR; 5 Steps to Create Viral Content

  1. Define your angle/emotion.
  2. Grab their attention.
  3. Raise the stakes.
  4. Keep them engaged.
  5. Drive them to take action. 



Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Grow your audience and customer base faster by promoting your business to +8,000 Founders and Creators. Sponsor a weekly edition of Growth Tribe.
  2. Turn your personal brand into a profitable one-person business & get paid for your expertise. Book a 1:1 session.



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